Theatre Freaking

The Life and Times Of A Theatre Freak in Chicago

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Theatre Critics

Well...we got our first review from the chicago Critic- an arts rag that features pretty much only reviews of various arts events around town. Our reviewer was less than kind, but he did point out a pretty fatal flaw in our production of Hamlet that has actually been bugging me since the beging of dress rehearsals. Shalkespeare is a language that if delivered correctly floats off the tounge and into your ear with out offending it. When you run it all together and try to modernize the speak by talking fast- you loose some of the beauty of the language. Our production is boasting "Hamlet in a little ove two hours" and we are delivering that..but some of our actors are having articulation issues because of trying to keep the time tight. The reviewer basically called us on this fact. True he could have been nicer about the things he did say were good- and his final review score of "Somewhat Recomended" is arguable-because articulation issues or not, the show is blocked out and paced nicely and the performances are very good, and any Hamlet under three hours to me is worth seing. The Review in the Chicago Reader comes out this week. I look forward to reading that.


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