Theatre Freaking

The Life and Times Of A Theatre Freak in Chicago

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Another show in the Can

box ofice Mari
Originally uploaded by MariGerard.
So, the show closed on Sunday. It was our bigest money making week of them all. Steve who understudied for chris was fantastic in the role, and the show closed with large houses as we al wanted. Over all we didn't make enough money to break even- but every week we did clear enough money to pay all the actors and Staff for that week- so that was nice. We aren't sureabout all the whys', and why nots of this show not selling more. In the bible belt in a two week run this show made $7,000- in Chicago- in a four week run we only cleared $3100- and 600 a week went to payroll. Live and learn I guess. I am still glad we did it and our company name will echo through the Chicago Theater Comunity for quite a while- so we can take time off to write grants and get money in the bank before we start our next season in January. It was nice to get to do something on this scale with the incredible people I got to work with. And it all came at a time when I really needed a creative outlet. Theater is a gamble, and I guess this time we didn't win officially but I still feel like a winner. And my mom got to come and see the show and that was cool. Now I get to focus on climbing the ladder at my new job- at The Victory Gardens Theater. snd that will occupy my time and energy for a while. Plus I am going to have to get back on building my savings up again so I can get my own place as soon as possible. I dipped into it to produce this show- so I am sorta back at ground zero- but I can get on a plan againa nd work it out I feel. Anyway- more to come later! Have a great week!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Little Theatre

Little Theatre
Originally uploaded by MariGerard.
The Review in the Chicago Reader Came out on Thursday!! It was quite good- and they never give good reviews. You can go to the company blog- and read it: Now that the show is runnign my focus is on pubicity (butts in seats) and my work at The Victory Gardens. Very excited about all that I have going on this summer. Just trying to make it all pay off now so I can get my own apartment soon. "Life in the big city will spoil you" (thats a quote from the show) Have a good week.

Saturday, June 03, 2006


Originally uploaded by MariGerard.
to The Storytellers Theatre Company! It took a lot of work, but tonight we were ready for the puplic and it was a great show. The space looks great. Chris did some awsome things with lighting- click on the picture here and look at some other shots from tonight..and p.s. the Truvy's sign lights up.