Theatre Freaking

The Life and Times Of A Theatre Freak in Chicago

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy 2006!!

Happy 2006!!
Originally uploaded by MariGerard.
This is my One Year Blogiversary!! I am planning to be at my friend Kelly's house for festivaties tonight! Hope you all have fun and are safe and happy!!
Yay for 2006!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The elusive ice bat...

ice bat
Originally uploaded by MariGerard.
is very cute, and very soft, and very ugly. He is an ugly doll..(literally-thats the company name) he likes to lurk around you because you are cool! Every one should have an ice bat! Hope you had a cool holiday! Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Merry Ho Ho Ho

Merry Ho Ho Ho
Originally uploaded by MariGerard.
This is the ground floor of the Thompson Center in Chicago..a 20 story Mall/Buisness office complex that houses many stores, eateries and the DMV. I had to visit this place twice yesturday trying to get an ID because Monday a GRINCH stole my wallet out of my back pack while I was wearing it!! My ID, Credit cards, social security card, insurance card, company Amex- and 50 bucks in cash! BOOOOOO!! Bad Karma will come to that guy...BOOOOOO. Fortunately my bank called me when they tried 7 ATMs to get my money out. I only had 88 cents so there wasn't anything to take- but My identity was much harder to prove with out the documents they stole. Social Security told me they couldn't issue a new card with out a valad ID. The DMV told me they couldn't give me an Id without a social security card. I cried, threw a fit, begged people and asked what the hell was I soposed to do- and all anyone would tell me was "I don't know". I had an expired picture ID, my lease, the police report about my wallet being stolen, my birth certificate, my college photo id with my social security number on it..none of it was acceptable. Finally a simpathetic woman at the second social security offfice I went to in CHicago used my birth certificate as id even though she wasn't soposed to and gave me the documentation I needed to get an ID at the DMV. Took 6 hours total to work it all out and I had to miss a day of work. Bah Humbug to you jerk who stole my wallet!! I hope the 50 bucks bought you whatever you needed it so despirately for, and I hope you know what goes around comes around man!!

Saturday, December 17, 2005

The Snowy Morning...

moon set
Originally uploaded by MariGerard.
This is the moon setting over the Uptown Theater this morning as seen from my frigid L stop. (10 degrees exactly) I had to snap this on my way to work today. It was so pretty it made me forget that with every second I remained outside I was becoming more and more of a human popsicle.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Groovin' in da Yoga room!

Groovin' in da Yoga room!
Originally uploaded by MariGerard.
My Yoga room ROCKS!! It has hard wood floors, cool lighting (thanks Chris) and LOTS of space! Plus as you can see here the closet doors are mirrored so I can check my posture and not hurt myself during the difficult poses. Right here in this shot I am "raising the roof" and movin' and groovin' to a tune by the Gorillaz. I have been working out every day since last Tuesday. I am feelin pretty great. The claming affect of the Yoga room is doing my soul good! OM! Namaste!

Friday, December 09, 2005

So last night it snowed....

morning snow
Originally uploaded by MariGerard.
and snowed....and snowed. And this morning I left early and was still late for work. I knew it was going to be a bad day when I got on the eL and found a seat right away..(that never happens and is a BAD omen when it does) Then I droped my Ipod suffle in on the gunky slush covered floor of the train. EEEEEWWWWWW! Then I realized that I had left the keys to my work buildning on the bookshelf by the door of the apt. Not good seeing as I am the only Gymboree manager with one at this moment. I could only pray that the janator would beat me to the building and open the door. About 15 min into my ride (just after this shot was taken) we went underground and came to a halt. The driver comes on the intercom and informs us that a passenger on a train ahead of us has had a heart attack and we would be standing underground untill they could get him off and clear the station. 22 min later they had acomplished this task. It is now 8:30- the time I am soposed to be at work. I am underground and can not call anyone. Now I knew getting the seat was a bad omen. I emerge above ground at 8:40. I still have to pray for the Roosevelt bus to be there so I don't have to hike through knee deep snow across the Roosevelt bridge for 20 min to get to work. The bus arrives and I got a hold of one of my employees to discover that the janator had unlocked the buildning- but my students were ariving and I was 7 blocks away- and in no way ready for class. Long story short- I get there at 5 min till 9. Run around like a chicken with my head cut off to get set up and get class going only 5 min late. Now all I have to do Is get that key that is on my bookshelf to the girl who opens tomorrow after I get home tonight, and all my worries of today will be solved. I look forward to sleeping tonight and forgetting that today even happened! Hope your TGIF was better!