145,000 Chicagoans met in Grant Park Last night to hear the man who will be our 44th President speak. 145,000 men women and children. 145,000 God loving, good hearted people who just want SOMETHING to change in the way our Country is led. 145,000 people who want to stop fighting Wars we cant afford for Countries who are not appreciative of the help. 145,000 people who dont want to have to file Bankruptsy every time they need the ER because their Health Insurance only covers about 20% of the bills. 145,000 who hope that all their hard earned Tax Dollars going into Social Security will still be there to pay them when they retire, and not be absorbed by astronomical Federal Debt being accrued daily. 145,000 people who believe "Yes We Can" have a safer, healthier, happier and greater America, and it has to start now.
I am one of those people. I believe in God and Country. I believe in being good to one another. I believe there is never a good reason to fight a war unless it is Self Defense. I believe we should help others who are less fortunate than us. I feel God has taught us that. Sure there will be those who are greedy and abuse the system, but in 1995 when I was 22 and making $4.75 and hour at Subway, I was very thankful to God and our President for the Food Stamps I recieved every month that kept me from starving that year.
In our world today I cant stress enough how important I feel it is to keep religion and government separate so we can all worship, love God and be good to each other freely in each our own way. After all that IS what the founding fathers were trying to create with this new nation. A place to be Free. A Place to make your own choices and walk your own path, as long as you do no harm and obey laws in place for the good of the Country.
If voting for Obama made my reservation in Hell, I will have to face that when I face God at the end of my life. What I know of My God, the one I have been talking to all my life, I know he understands my motives and loves me unconditionally. I know he wants mankind to look out for one another, even the sinners. I know he wants us to live in peace and help those in need. And that is what I voted to ensure yesterday. I voted for Change. I voted for Freedom and Peace. I voted for the right to love God on my own with out government intervention. I voted for help when I need it. I voted for safety on my streets and in my country.
I am proud my canidate won and that I was here on this earth to see it. I believe God had everything to do with that. (He even made it unseasonably warm and beautiful for the past three days here in Chicago. 70degrees! Unheard of in November! Seriously!) I hope in time all the people who are mad and hurt and afraid the apocalypse is coming because of this election will see they had nothing to fear from the Change our new President will bring upon this country. I am proud to be an American. I hope you all are too no matter what way you voted.
So now....Who wants to meet me in DC on Jan 20th to watch the Inauguration on the Capital steps?!