Theatre Freaking

The Life and Times Of A Theatre Freak in Chicago

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Mork J's
Originally uploaded by MariGerard
My favorite band of ALL TIME are reuniting after being broke up since 2003. I followed these guys around the country as often as I could from 1995-2003. Their live show is incredible, and I am fortunate enough to have tickets to their show at The 9:30 Club in DC on August 6th aaaaaannnnd their show at THE NORVA in Norfolk VA on August 8th...and I am sooo excited I might just faint. Seriously. Stoked does not even begin to cover how happy I am about this reunion tour. Pictured here is the line up, with Stumpy in the zoot suit in front. (he actually does nothing musically for the band. he stands on stage the whole show drinking beers and smoking cigarettes and calls himself the manager, and girls Looooove him. Me included.) I will post pics Post concerts I promise! And if you are anywhere near any of the afore mentioned shows please join me. You wont regret it!!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Oh how I Heart the Taste of Chicago!

Cheescake Frozen Yogurt
Originally uploaded by MariGerard
10 days of food and fun in Grant Park! Over 100 resturaunts are represented all over the Park. You buy tickets (12 for $8) and "taste" portions (Smaller protions thatn the Large regular portion) from the different vendors are usually 2-3 tickets a piece. I "tasted" the following: BBQ Ribs, Fried Plantane and Penut Sause, Motzerella Bread stick, frozed chocolate dipped bannana, Epenadas, and the Cheesecake Waffel Cone you see here! YUUUUUMMM!!

Click the pic to see more if you like! And have a happy and safe 4th of July everyone!!