Theatre Freaking

The Life and Times Of A Theatre Freak in Chicago

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Snow, snow, snow....uuuuugggghhh!!

Ok- I know it's white and fluffy and pretty, and being from the south it is somewhat of a novelty for me- but the luster is gone- I have had my fun and now I am done. It is currently snowing, they expect 3 inches by morning and 10 by tomorrow night- what a pleasant work day commute I am going to have tomorrow. Because after the prettyness it becomes slushy browness, and wetness and get my pants all ickyness. My friend D wrote me from Raleigh today and said it was 75 degrees all week...NO FAIR!!! on a side note- Hamlet is looking great. I expect a wonderful show to open next Friday night. That being said I shall say goodnight. DOWN WITH SNOW!!


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