is really an interesting phenomenon. First the weather is so confused it doesn't know if it should scratch its watch or wind its butt. One day its 70 and the next its 40. This keeps my apartment in this constant state of windows open-windows closed-too stuffy-too cold-all the time. It drives me nuts. Then it's the rain...heavy out of no where windy to the point of blowing your umbrella inside out RAIN. No fun either. But this morning at 7am with my eyes barely cracked open, on the way to the EL I saw that flowers are starting to bloom, and grass is returning to replace the mud. And out of nowhere a Bunny rabbit, rather large came darting out onto the side walk and hopped across a rather busy Sheridan Rd. It was the first sign of wildlife other than birds and squirels I have seen since moving here. What is a rabbit doing in uptown chicago? We hardly have enough greenery for the birds and ocasional squirrel. Where do the bunnys live? With warmer weather comes the horrific smell wafting up from the sewers below the streets. God help you if you walk over a man hole-hold your breath, that smell can kill you. But resturants open their kitchen doors and let yummy smells waft into the streets too and that makes you hungry all day, in a good way. So they say the spring and the summer makes up for the horrible winters here in Chi-town...I haven't seen that yet...but I haven't lost hope.