Theatre Freaking

The Life and Times Of A Theatre Freak in Chicago

Thursday, September 28, 2006

All lit up

All lit up
Originally uploaded by MariGerard.
no turning back now...tomorrow night is the first preview in the new space. tonight they had the ceremony to light up the marquee- it's it cool!!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

So I got a Digital Camera-

Originally uploaded by MariGerard.
from Heather..I bought her old one-(she upgraded to more mega pixels)..and today I took it out for a test run around my apartment..then I ran it through iphoto on my mac. Some shots just got triming, some got color boost or fade, some were left alone. only a few were croped, most were shot as is. Most of them aren't great- I am just learning. But feel free to click and see todays trail and errors. : )

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Biograph Marquee

Biograph Marquee
Originally uploaded by MariGerard.
So its official- we are moving into the historic Biograph Theater on Thursday of this looks soooo good in there!! The Marquee just came back from the restoration house and was installed yesturday. The lighting ceremony is on Thursday Night. For those of you that don't know- the famous gangster John Dillinger was shot outside this theatre . they say his ghost haunts the theatre and the alley next to it. Can't wait to test out that theory!! Any way- more pictures to follow soon!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Box Office HELL!!

Box Office HELL!!
Originally uploaded by MariGerard.
This is the face..the face that says "This is it I have found it I am in HELL!!"

Tickets for next season went out this week. And there were about 4000 of them we sent out. A computer error caused about 1500 of our subscribers to not recieve their tickets for the first show- and they are REALLY PISSED.

About 1000 of our subscribers have been flooding the phone trying to exchange there tickets for other show dates- and to add even more fun to the plate- we are having an open house at the Biograph theater today where hundreds of Chicago-ans are flocking to the theatre to grab a sneak peak of the new theater, and want to buy tickets and sumbscriptions- but our box office isn't ready there yet- so we have to do it remotely from our box Office at the Greenhouse while dealing with the phones here.

I have two other staff here with me- and we are all still SLAMMED!!! CRAZY!!!!! Crazy I say!! Do they pay me enough for this???

I Love theater! I Love Theater! I LOVE THEATER!!!

And every patron is important. Every Patron Is Important.

(there better be a stiff drink in my future tonight after I surface from this crazyness!)