Theatre Freaking

The Life and Times Of A Theatre Freak in Chicago

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Box Office HELL!!

Box Office HELL!!
Originally uploaded by MariGerard.
This is the face..the face that says "This is it I have found it I am in HELL!!"

Tickets for next season went out this week. And there were about 4000 of them we sent out. A computer error caused about 1500 of our subscribers to not recieve their tickets for the first show- and they are REALLY PISSED.

About 1000 of our subscribers have been flooding the phone trying to exchange there tickets for other show dates- and to add even more fun to the plate- we are having an open house at the Biograph theater today where hundreds of Chicago-ans are flocking to the theatre to grab a sneak peak of the new theater, and want to buy tickets and sumbscriptions- but our box office isn't ready there yet- so we have to do it remotely from our box Office at the Greenhouse while dealing with the phones here.

I have two other staff here with me- and we are all still SLAMMED!!! CRAZY!!!!! Crazy I say!! Do they pay me enough for this???

I Love theater! I Love Theater! I LOVE THEATER!!!

And every patron is important. Every Patron Is Important.

(there better be a stiff drink in my future tonight after I surface from this crazyness!)


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