Theatre Freaking

The Life and Times Of A Theatre Freak in Chicago

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Are you threatening me?

Are you threatening me?
Originally uploaded by hotdoughnutsnow.
SO, most of you reading this got an email today from me asking you to sound off on a few questions I had about a situation that got out of control. Many of you asked for details, and asked if I was ok. I thank you deeply for your concern and I thank all 25 of you I emailed today- for responding. I sent it to so many because I figured only half would write back, but all of you did and that makes me feel good, to be cared for by so many.

So here it is: A company member of my theatre company The Storytellers had a falling out with another member. They could not reconcile their diffeneces and he made it very clear to me that "He couldn't stand her, and you can not make me like her". I took this to mean he hated her, and could not be in her presence. (today most of you made me realize that there is in fact a difference between hating someone and not standing them, and that the latter is often a lesser offence) I however told the person that couldn't be stood that the other person had voiced his "hatred" for her and did not want to be in a company with her. I wanted to know if they could live with this knowlege of each other and keep it out of company buisness, and they both agreed they could. So I let it go.

But then that person who "Couldn't stand " the other person then had a disagreement with me, and then contacted other company members and tried to get them to oust ME out of my own company saying I was a pathalogical liar because I had said he "hated" that person when all he actually did was say he "Couldn't stand her". (this is the abridged version of couse) Needless to say nothing came of that, I am still in my company, and I let it go as it was useless drama.

Then on Monday I had a disagreement with a close friend of his who was still a company member, who overreacted to something I said and went to him in tears about the way she felt she was treated by me instead of confronting me about it. All I had done was ask his friend to take responsibility for a script deadline she had been given and to recrut whomenver she needed to to get this done. But this was apperantly to much for the girl and it brought her to tears. HE then picked up his phone and left a message on my cell phone in a very Agressive and mean tone that "Making ____ Cry Had to stop! If you continue to make ______ Cry there will be hell to pay, I kid you not!" then it is here that it gets hazy- I heard him say something like - I wont hesistate to kick your ass..or I will let ____kick your ass...or maybe I was so angry with rage at this point I thought that's what he said next but maybe he didnt. I am a woman I can admit that when I get super angry my listening skills often go out the window...but at anyrate I felt threatened and was not going to let any man speak to me that way.

So I called the cops. And filed a report. And they called him on 3 way with me and he denied threatening me and admitted to saying there would be "hell to pay "which I guess isn't a crime or a threat in the eyes of the CHPD- but the cop did say on the recording that for a man who was innocent, he knew exactly whom he was calling about before he could even get my name out. Someone who had done nothing wrong would not be expecting a call from the cops now would he??

At anyr ate- the bully is out of my company. The Cryer has resigned, thought I have asked her to reconcider and work with me on comunication issues, as I feel she is agreat talent who did not mean for the bully to call me she was just emotional and venting to him. She did not expect him to take action of any kind, he did that on his own.

So I am fine, my company is fine, and I now have a formal complaint on record with the Chicago PD. Good times!

I'm home for the holidays in two DAYS and I can not wait!!


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