Theatre Freaking

The Life and Times Of A Theatre Freak in Chicago

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Answer: Mos Eisley

Question: What city does confetti rain down on durning the finale of the re-released Return of the Jedi?

That my friends was the question that I won the Star Wars Trivia Pursuit Challage between my Brother and Chris and I with. Oh yah- this GIRL-took on two BOYS- one of whom is the ultimate Star Wars Freak (My Brother)and I won! It was hard too 'cause for a while Michael was skunking us. Then I guess the bloody Mary's I was drinkin' Went to my head and I started thinking clearly, and answering Questions like: What is the first thing you see in Return of the Jedi? and Who did Pricess Leah say was Beautiful but Sad? Michael had all but one of his Pies when I came back from only having two pies-to getting all 6 and winning. (Chris was just in need of two pies himself to make a run for the title as well and he admitted he wasn't a Star Wars nut as a kid.)It was a great memorial day. We made steaks and hung out with my brother and watched the Buffy Musical episode on the big screen. It was good. A big change from Last memorial Day- last year was a day plagued with over eating, over drinking, and overreacting. Maybe next year we will be ready to throw the big barbeque again.
(Answers to above: The 2nd Death Star and Her Mother)


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