Theatre Freaking

The Life and Times Of A Theatre Freak in Chicago

Friday, August 24, 2007

Sudden Rain Storm+Bike=SOGGY Mari!

So last night you may have seen on the national news that 60 mile an hour winds and mass amounts of rain slammed into Chicago not once but twice! And me being the fool I am- thought that I could beat the second storm in the break after the forst one. I after all only had to ride 4.2 miles north...a typical 20 min ride for me. I am about 3 miles into it and almost there and the heavens opened up and DUMPED mass amounts of water on me!! I tried to seek shelter under an awning of a convenience store..but to no avail. Water was just blowing in on me under the awning. So I pressed on. I arrived at Rehearsal at Chris', looking like this. He says "Wait here I'll be right back" I think he's going to get me a towel....nope- he came back with the camera. Then I had to clean out my SOGGY back pack- dry everything, including my clothes and proceed to run lines and sew costumes till 10pm. Today- I left the bike at home cause they are calling for a repeat tonight!!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

34th Birthday =FUN!!

After Wicked
Originally uploaded by MariGerard
So I went to see Wicked downtown at The Oriental Theater. It was great! My Mom and Lawton and Beth chipped in and got me the tickets, and I took Chris. (We had been wanting to see the show since we moved here almost three years ago now.) We went to a late dinner shortly after this picture was taken. It was a lot of fun. Over all I had a great 34th birthday! Thursday night I went to Karaoke at my favorite pub CAROL's and then Friday (my actual Birthday) I had a great day seeing SUPERBAD at my favorite Evanston Movie theater, and then WIcked at 8pm. This morning I closed out my Birthday extravaganza by going to the Verizon store with Chris to uprade our phones, and split the joint lines. I got a cool pink razor phone, and then it was off to work. I'm here till 10:30pm.....and its only 7pm now.....wish I were at home playing guitar hero! :) Click this picture to see more shots from Wicked and my Pub night at Carol's.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Guitar HERO!!!

Guitar HERO!!!
Originally uploaded by MariGerard
So I got this COOOOOOL game for my B-day from some friends for my Playstation 2 Video Gaming system (that I inherited from the break up with Chris cause he was plannin on getting Playstation 3 when it came out) and this game RULES!!! And its super hard!! I unlocked all 28 songs on the easy level, and now I have opened 12 of the 40 songs on the Medium level and it is starting to kick my butt!! You have to watch the screen as the notes(colors) scroll by you, and you have to have the fret (colors) pushed down and you have to strum the guitar (controller pictured here) at the moment the notes get to you at the bottom of the screen. If you miss notes you hear an awful sour note, and the crowd starts to boo you and throw things. Then when you hit all the notes they cheer and you get more points (fake Money you can spend on costumes and better guitars). If you make it to the end without getting Boo'd off stage you win Gig Money and when you win 3 songs per level it asks for an encore and if you win that you go onto the next level. The Music is AWSOME! Currently Jessica by the Alman Brothers is killing me on the medium level and keeping me form moving on to Level 5....Aaarrrgggh! I might need to invite a boy over to beat this level...we shall see. Till then...ROCK ON CHICAGO!!!!