Throughout the course of history there have been many forms a Plague has taken. Locuasts, Frogs, horrific illnesses, bad luck, etc. I my self have been stricken by an illnes and a streak of rather bad luck lately. Last Sunday I was RUN OVER by the worst Flu ever. I am finally feeling better today. But my ribs and lungs ache and I am still very tired. Then to beat all I have been having the worst luck catching a bus or train for the past two weeks. Last night it was sleeting and I stood in the street for 20 min watching cab after cab pass me with people in them. Finally an empty cab approached and as I flagged it down 4 drunk twits run up and stop him like 10 feet from where I am in the street and totally jump in. after I yell several obcentities at them I see the bus behind the cab- and get on it instead. Then this morning Chris is going to give me a ride to the L and as we approch the truck we notice that someone has smashed his passenger window open and ripped out his center heat/air and CD console- removing the cd player. (the cd player was not even high quality-they probably got 10 bucks for it if that)They left the CD's.....and I was out a ride and had to brave the fridged streets to the L. I can only hope that when the first days of spring arrive at the end of the month- that it brings in warmer, luckier and ilness free days.