Theatre Freaking

The Life and Times Of A Theatre Freak in Chicago

Friday, August 19, 2005

Happy Birthday to me.....

Birthday Presents
Originally uploaded by MariGerard.
so this is what 32 looks like. Feels kinda like 31 and 30 to be honest. Not like 29 though cause I was wicked depressed that year, and i am definately not depressed anymore. Wednesday was my birthday and I had to work-but Chris took me to dinner at a fabulous Mexican joint not to far from our APT. I drank a pitcher of Margaritas (with the help of Chris and Steve) and suddenly I forgot I had worked all day. Steve bought me a tripple threat chocolate cake for my b day and that was waiting for me when I got home. It was a good day. This shot is of me before we went out- the butterfly earings are from my mom and Lawton got me the bracelet that is hemitite and magnetic so it can unwind and be rewound into a anclet-choker-armband-whatever! Its very cool. Chris started his job at Harpo (Oprah's studio) today. This should be a stellar year for us both-I can feel it.


  • At 10:03 AM, Blogger Epiphany said…

    Happy Birthday!! :) very young you are.

  • At 11:21 AM, Blogger Joe said…

    ¡Cumpleaños feliz! Happy B-Day Mari! Here's wishing you many more!

    Joe, Jenny, and Sylvie


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