Theatre Freaking

The Life and Times Of A Theatre Freak in Chicago

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Good reason to smile

Good reason to smile
Originally uploaded by MariGerard.
SO this shot was taken last night- when I had A Lot to smile about. I had just finished getting out my ad letters for my companies next production. I had sent out the evites and posted the benefit on myspace, (May 10th at Sidetrack for you Chicago folk) and then after 30 min of pilates I got on the scale and discovered I ahve lost 35 total pounds since Christmas! I've been doing the weight watchers points system and now I am down to a new points scale! Very exciting stuff, unfortunately I am not in a financial place to buy a whole new wardrobe, and I am down 2 pants sizes- so thats a bummer- but I guess there are worse problems to have right! :) So I know this is a cheezy shot- but I just had to smile!! Check out to see our first official announcement of our next show- and come and see it if you can!!! : )

Thursday, April 27, 2006

A Night at the Theatre

A Night at the Theatre
Originally uploaded by MariGerard.
So it has been a blustery week for sure. Complete with a whirlwind of work, and drop in temperature. This shot was from last Friday night when I took advantage of my free tix to all Victory Gardens Shows, and I saw David Eigenburg (Steve from Sex and the City)in Cradle of Man- a relationship study piece set in Tanzania, where we discovered evidence of the first upright walking man. It was good, well produced, not as well written as I would have liked- but people are still payin' $40 bucks a pop to see it, so what do I know. This is a shot of me in my cool clearance skirt ($6 at Target) and this great shirt- that up until a few weeks ago was WAY too small for me. Yay Pilates! I am in full fundraising mode now for Steel Magnolias, and soon we will be updating the Storytellers Blog- so keep you eyes peeled for that info.
I hope you all are well. More to come soon! : ) Smiles!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Happy Easter!

Originally uploaded by MariGerard.
Hey y'all! I hope you had a festive holiday, and I hope the easter bunny brought you some yummy candy. He brought me this tiny Manhattan. It is a yummy drink made with Whiskey, Bitters and cherries. I don't really like most whiskey's so mine was very small, but good. Chris and I made some dinner-Potato Salad (my best batch to date),green beans and Ham steaks glazed in this
whiskey/hotsause/pineapple juice stuff Chris invented- and it might seem yucky- but actually it ROCKED! We watched some good TV and basically just chilled. It was nice. I had to work 11:45-5pm so I was glad for the relaxing evening at home. Two weeks from today my home turns into Hotel de Hill. (We are housing the director and one of the cast members for our next production of Steel Magnolias-the one with all men..) and that is going to make things cozy- and crazy seeing as I will be the only girl living with three boyz. But I only have to make it till the 1st of June and then I am into my own pad-BOY FREE!! YAY! I will keep you posted!

Friday, April 14, 2006

Life in the Fast Lane....

blurry L
Originally uploaded by MariGerard.
I liked this shot because it is blurry- and that is kinda how I have been feeling lately. I am now working 7 days a week between Gymboree and The Victory Gardens. I find pockets of down time for sure- but it is making the weeks go by soooo fast. Before you know it- June 1st will be on me- and I will be in my own place and my company will be opening Steel Magnolias. I am fairly certain I got dumped yesturday- but in all actuality it was two months ago this past monday. The single life has been working out for me actually. Chris and I are getting along really well, and it does my soul good to know that we may actually be able to remain close after all is said and done. (Friends are like family to me- and unless you do something really awful, I really hate cutting people out of my life). This L shot was taken on Wednesday after I worked a double (8-4:30 @ Gymboree and 6:30-9:30 @ Victory Gardens)- so the fact that it came out blurry was sooo apropreate. I hope you all have a great easter weekend!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

When it rains some more!

Originally uploaded by MariGerard.
So march was a pretty basd month for me health wise..(as in expensive) Somach flu early month, chipped tooth late month, and now last night on my way home from work- I side step on the side walk to let a ridiculously LARGE double stroller (that could have doubled as a small compact car in size) past me on the sidewalk, and I hit uneven ground and do this to my ancle. Oh yeah- then I have to hobble home (one block to the L- 45min L ride-one block from L to house-up three flights of stairs) I walk into my apt in so much pain I am laughing uncontrolably. (those of you who know me really well know that when I am in SUPER pain suddenly- I laugh instead of cry- I have no idea why that happens) Chris was like "Oh God you are laughing, what did you do?" I took off my shoe and showed him this...he gets up puts on his shoes and says "get your insurance card-you need to go to the hospital. " Fortuneately I live 1 block from Weiss Memorial and we go there to find an empty ER. Total ER time including Xrays and treatment, 1 hr and 10 min. In Wilmington that would have been a 4 hour ordeal. No broken bones- (thank goodness) Ice, rest, elivation and crutches for three days and I am right a rain...well almost. The ace bandage needs to be kept on for support for like two weeks, but then right as rain. Today I get a day off, and tomorrow it is desk work. Next time I just run into the SUV stroller and let them pay for my hospital bills.

Sunday, April 02, 2006


Originally uploaded by MariGerard.
as and my expensive ($160) fixed front tooth. By the way..started the new Victory Gardens job tonight, and it was AWSOME!! I can't belive they pay me to have a job that I love this much...hope you all are having a good weekend! Hope you set your clocks forward! : )